Posts Tagged ‘Washingborough’

Spring flowers on an old wall

February 1, 2024

I spotted last week, spring flowers on an old wall.

Ferry Boat Inn disastrous Christmas market

November 24, 2023

First Saturday of the month, a farmers market at the Ferry Boat Inn.

The last market the first Saturday of the month on a cold rainy day, I learnt there would be no market in December, to be replaced by a Christmas market on a cold Friday November evening.

A very cold day, cold north wind, wind chill made it feel sub-zero.

Not a day, let alone evening, for a market.

I arrived, to find a deserted market.

The first stall, junk food, closed as I arrived.

Stuffed fries. Why?

Speaking to another stall, the stall holder said the organisation was bad. Was it busier earlier? No.

The only stalls worth visiting bread and cheese, a fishmonger, were not there. Nether was the fruit and vegetable stall.

On one stall, I could not see the produce in the dark.

I then learnt, there would be no markets until March. A market has to be held regularly.

I cannot see this market surviving.

Storm Babet Lincolnshire

October 23, 2023

On Friday when Storm Babete hit Lincolnshire, over a month’s worth of rain fell on saturated ground within 24 hours. The water had nowhere to go, hence widespread flooding. Neighbouring counties to the West and North were even worst affected.

Global warming, severe weather events, more frequent, more severe. And we still build on floodplains, still pump carbon into the atmosphere, still destroy carbon sinks.

Lincoln city centre flooded, Brayford flooded.

The River Witham flowing through High Bridge, flowing high and fast, was within centimetres of overflowing its banks.

Ferry Lane Washingborough, Sincil Drain overflowing, River Witham running very high and broad, one field flooded.

North Kesteven in an act of crass stupidity and environmental vandalism, granted planning consent to Sainsbury’s for a large superstore on one of these fields. A grass-grazed meadow, carbon sink, a haven for wildlife, that is liable to flooding.

We need soft flood prevention.

Downstream of Washingborough, return to fenland, the land grazed, the animals moved when risk of flooding.

Upstream of Lincoln, the River Witham catchment, rewild, reafforest, introduce European beavers. This will slow the flow of water downstream during heavy rainfall.

Ferry Boat Inn farmers market

August 5, 2023

Ferry Boat Inn farmers market in Washingborough.

I went to the first farmers market at the Ferry Boat Inn in May, to find nothing there. A sign outside said the car park closed until midday due to a farmers market, therefore I assumed morning only.

I tried again today, late morning. A horrible day, first week of August, cold, wet, raining. 13C.

Only three stalls, four if I count flowers and plants by the entrance to the car park.

– jams and chutneys
– cheese and bread
– fishmonger

The cheese and bread are worth knowing about if I need either cheese or bread. Today I needed neither. Off the fishmonger a piece of salmon.

I was told there would usually be more stalls, the inclement weather has deterred them from coming.I learned there were craft stalls inside the pub.

First Saturday of the month. There needs to be new signs in the village noting the time and contact details.

The market needs to run until mid-afternoon. Today it was until one o’clock.

I learned there were craft stalls inside the pub.

First Saturday of the month. There needs to be new signs in the village noting the time and contact details.

The market needs to run until mid-afternoon. Today it was until one o’clock.

Heavy rain

July 25, 2023

Within minutes of heavy rain, a stream running down Church Hill in Washingborough.

Spring flowers on an old wall

March 22, 2023

Church Hill in the Lincolnshire village of Washingborough, spring flowers on an old wall.

Washingborough frosty morning

December 16, 2022

Another cold morning, hard frost.

The last two nights minus seven degrees.

Washingborough hard frost

December 14, 2022

For several days sub zero temperatures, some days sunny, other days freezing fog.

Rogue trader cold calling

September 5, 2022

A man with a large white van blocking entrance of the drive cold calling need drive cleaning.

A cursory glance at the drive shows no work required.

Cold calling in a No Cold Calling Zone

When sign pointed out, that it was a No Cold Calling Zone, the response was I don’t take any notice, nor of the sign on the door.

He then turned nasty, tried to grab back his leaflet, shouted abuse and refused to remove his van.

Always retain flier as evidence, note time, and notify the police. Also if possible take photos. If local forums, use to alert others.


August 2, 2022

Walking up Church Hill, Washingborough, stunning sunset looking at to Lincoln Cathedral in the distance