Archive for March, 2020

Wren Kitchens putting workers at risk

March 29, 2020

Wren Kitchens forcing workers into work, placing them, their families and anyone they encounter en-route at risk of coronavirus.

Advice to avoid coronavirus:

  • wash hands
  • social distancing
  • only go out if necessary
  • permitted outings – visit doctor, pick up medicine, shopping, exercise, essential work

Making kitchens is not essential work.

Wren Kitchens is forcing workers into work, where not only are the workers placed at risk, but also their families and anyone they encounter as they travel to and from work.

Wren Kitchens has closed its showrooms, fired the staff.

The government must act to close down all rogue employers, hit directors with a hefty fine, and make a criminal offence.

Police have powers to break up groups of more than two people, can stop and request where are going.

If Lincolnshire Police can harass a man in Boston sitting on a bench on his own doing a crossword, then must be granted powers to deal with rogue employers who are putting us all at risk.

Speaking with those in the trade Wren Kitchens has bad reputation for quality of its products and treatment of work force.

Bad employers like Wren Kitchens should not only should be closed down and directors fined, they should be put out of business.

Please sign the petition calling for action to be taken against Wren Kitchens.

Lincoln coronavirus lockdown day four

March 27, 2020

Who would have thought, unless live in a war zone, that venturing out would be such a dangerous activity? A silent deadly killer on the street, not an assassin or a serial killer, a deadly virus by the name of covid-19.

Bus empty. One passenger, then another. Clapped out double docker bus.

Running an empty bus, ahead of schedule, stops for minuses at bus stops, but no engine turned off.

I cannot see Stagecoach running empty buses. Revised timetable next week. Hopefully not Sunday timetable.

Bus station deserted. No hand sanitiser at entrance to Lincoln Central Bus Station, putting passengers and drivers at risk. Tuesday, a 20p charge to enter toilets to wash hands. Friday barriers open. Maybe due to cleaner. Signs demand 20p.

Few people on the streets, no queues anywhere.

Curtis Sincil Street restricting to two people in the store. Something Curtis Bailgate needs to observe. On Tuesday, four in the store which is two too many.

Central Market, butcher, fishmonger, fruit and vegetable store. Fishmonger will close as not possible to obtain fish.

Pepperdine’s in Sincil Street open.

Being forced to walk around the backside of M&S to buy food not acceptable. Tuesday was able to walk through the store.

A lady outside M&S in the High Street almost in tears as could not get into the store. A criminal offence to discriminate against disabled. I spoke to staff to see if she could be guided through the store. They looked, but she had already gone.

M&S need to rethink this. Surely they can create a corridor through the store?

Supermarkets stripped bare? M&S overstocked staff marking stock down to shift.

Baffled why Wilkinson’s open.

— to be continued —

Tim Martin tells J D Wetherspoon workers to get a job

March 24, 2020

First it was forcing staff in to work when they wished to self-isolate under the threat of no pay.

Next it was tell people go out to the pubs.

Latest scandal from Tim Martin, now that Weatherspoon has been forced to close, to tell workers go and find a job.

Wetherspoon is refusing to pay suppliers until reopens. It is one thing not to pay industrial brewers, property companies, it is quite another to refuse to pay small craft brewers.

Wetherspoon is by no means the only bad employer.

Pubcos are forcing tied pubs to pay rent even though the pubs are closed and have no income.

Making kitchen is an essential work, nevertheless Wren Kitchens forcing workers into work putting workers and their families at risk.

There should be no bail out of Weatherperson, industrial brewers, pubcos. Bail outs should be for people and local indie businesses.

Lincoln City Council coronavirus criminals

March 24, 2020

Alight from a bus or wish to catch a bus, it is important to be able to clean ones hands for the safety of fellow passengers and bus drivers.

There is no hand sanitiser at either entrance to Lincoln Central Bus Station.

To wash hands, a charge of 20p to enter the toilets.

Lincoln coronavirus lockdown day one

March 24, 2020

Bus into Lincoln empty. Lincoln Central Bus Station empty.

Borders on criminal negligence, no hand sanitiser at entrance, 20p to enter toilets to wash hands.

Toilet at Lincoln Central Station closed. Again putting travellers at risk.

Sincil Street empty.

Hopped on a bus to Bailgate, very little open.

I waited until one and only customer left Post Office, quie formed outside. Post Office thanked me.

Found credit card not functiioning conatctless. I learn later,can only use three times. Banks need to get their act togther.

Appalled four pople allowed into Curtis. THis si two too may. It shoudl be resticted to two, one custmer at each counter.

A man, sleved rolled uop, grasyarms leaning acroess the disoaly counter. Disgusting.

Contarst with fruit and veg shop around the back. Only one person allowed in, orderly que outside.

Walk down Steep Hill, The Strait and into High Street.

Streets desrted.

Bnaks closed.

M&S open, but few in store.

Fruit and vegatble stall open at the market.

A few ppole in the bus station.

Number of deatsh today 87, a sharp incraese.

But it is going to get far far worse. Idiots packed into pubs, this will feed through to a shartp incarese.

Priteering by Sporst Directs, hike in prices of equpment can be used at home. And why were their stores open across the kitcehen

Why are costruction sites open.

Why Wren Kitchens? Making kitcehns is not essential work.

— to b e continued —

UK ordered into partial lockdown

March 23, 2020

From this evening I must give the British people a very simple instruction – you must stay at home. — Pepsi Trump

Not a full lockdown. Partial lockdwon for at least 21 days.

  • stay home
  • no visiting friends or family
  • non-essential shops closed
  • only allowed out to shop for food, essential work, medical needs
  • allowed out to go for a walk a run a cycle ride
  • no public gatherings greater than two people
  • social distancing at least two metres apart

China bought us time we squandered it.

Tuesday of last week UK was two weeks behind Italy, one week behind Spain. Big difference they already had measures in place.

Inaction will cost lives. Closure of mass gatherings and sporting events should have been banned weeks ago. Bars clubs pubs closed at least a week ago. London in lockdown last week.

Failure to act sooner apart from costing lives sent out the wrong message.

Last Friday the drunks packed into pubs. At the weekend, people were packed on the streets, pubs were open.

We cannot say we were not forewarned.

Why are airlines still flying, why are airports not closed?

Tour companies and airlines to renege on refunds for cancelled trips

March 23, 2020

Anyone who has booked holiday or flight claim your money back now.

Tour companies have to refund within two weeks, airlines within a week.

Do not accept vouchers.

Zombie company tui in debt to tune of 2 billion euros, and that was before coronavirus crises.

Do not accept vouchers, demand refund in cash or payment into card account.

Claim now, government is poised to suspend your rights to protect the industry.

No way should government or tourists bail out tour companies or airlines.

They trashed the planet then spread covid-19 around the world.

At the weekend, flights into UK from Iran, Rome and China.

Today passengers crammed into queues at Heathrow.

Unlike other countries, in UK borders are open, airports are open.

Airlines, airports and travel companies are operating in a parallel world. Social distancing, it does not apply to us Guv.

Money should bail out people and small indie businesses, then finance Green New Deal.

#airlines #tui #covid19 #aviation #ClimateEmergency #GreenNewDeal

Waterstone’s the J D Wetherspoon of the book trade

March 22, 2020

Boss of J D Wetherspoon Tim Martin was more than happy to put staff and clientele at risk by forcing sick staff into work under threat of no sick pay.

The same irresponsible attitude, encouraging going to the pub, failure to heed advice on social distancing.

Waterstone’s are showing the same contempt for staff and customers during coronavirus crisis. No ban on cash, no hand sanitiser, no social distancing. Office staff sent home, staff in book shops forced to carry on working.

Waterstone’s where greed rules ok. There should be hand sanitiser by the door, everyone walking in required to use. Contactless card only. Close early at three every day. This was the norm in Sheffield last week.

Contrast last week with Steam Yard coffee shop in Sheffield. Hand sanitiser by the door, close at three.

Or contrast with fish n chip restaurant Elite on the Bail, restaurant closed takeaway at the back, social distancing, hand sanitiser on offer to use.

Waterstone’s destroyed Ottakar’s. I had hoped James Daunt may improve, but no. Still the rubbish dumped by publishers piled on tables, staff treated badly.

Why is it always the big corporate chains that treat their staff badly?

Indie coffee shops as always leading the way. Coffee served in takeaway cups, no reusable cups, hand sanitiser by the door.

Talking to an employee of 200 Degrees a small coffee shop chain before they were forced to close, she said refusal to put hand sanitiser by the door, no interest in health and safety of staff or customers.

When the ban on pubs, bars, coffee shops came in, I walked down Lincoln High Street, indie coffee shops closed, Caffe Nero and Starbucks open.

Use contactless card. I prefer cash, cash is anonymous, cards are traced and tracked, inflate profits of banks, but these are not normal times, cash is dirty. Similarly, good coffee is to be appreciated, sit and relax with coffee served in ceramic or glass, but not normal times, takeaway protects staff and customers, minimises contamination.

Support your local indie bookshop

  • P&G Wells – Winchester
  • Lindum Books – Lincoln
  • Blue Bear Bookshop – Farnham
  • Ideas on Paper – Nottingham

and indie coffee shops

  • Marmadukes – Sheffield
  • Steam Yard – Sheffield
  • The Specialty Coffee Shop – Nottingham
  • Cartwheel Coffee – Nottingham
  • Outpost Coffee – Nottingham
  • Madame Waffle – Lincoln
  • Coffee Aroma – Lincoln
  • Krema – Farnham and Guildford
  • Coffee Lab – Winchester

By no means an exhaustive list.

Tuesday of last week, UK was two weeks behind Italy, one week behind Spain, with one big difference, Italy and Spain already had measures in place before they introduced ever tighter measures. In UK, too little, too late.

If you wish for something to read, stuck at home, read an e-book.

Paulo Coelho has made available several of his books for free download.

Something other writers and filmmakers could do.

Mark Thomas has made available for almost free download one of his shows (he asks make a donation to a food bank).

When Primark, McDonald’s announced they are closing, we know it is game up.

Waterstone’s announced they were closing. But will staff get paid. Staff who were off sick, suspected covid-19, told to take out of their annual leave.

James Daunt the Tim Martin of the book trade. Shops closed but more likely no one on the streets, no one buying books, shops losing money, than consideration for the well being of staff and customers. Plus with shops closed staff on furlough government will pay 80% of their salary

But what does this say of Pepsi Trump? China gave us time, we squandered it. Tuesday of last week UK was two weeks behind Italy, one week behind Spain. With one big difference, both countries had measures in place, and have since tightened those measures. It was sporting bodies which decided to close, led the way. Now it is shops closing, taking the initiative. Still no lockdown of London. Bars and pubs serving drinks.

Coronavirus tale of two coffee shops

March 22, 2020

Tuesday of last week UK two weeks behind Italy one week behind Spain.

Friday, pubs, clubs, bars, gyms, coffee shops, restaurants were ordered to close.

Bars, pubs, clubs should have been closed weeks ago.

Moot point should coffee shops and restaurants be closed.

The order should have been immediate. But not until midnight. The drunks piled into the pubs, bars and clubs placing many at risk.

Prior to the order to close indie coffee shops were taking precautions, yajeeay coffee cups, no reusable cups, hand santiser at entrance.

One day on from order, indie coffee shops closed. They care for the health and safety of staff and clientele.

Walking down Lincoln High Street Madame Waffle closed.

Further down, greedy grasping tax dodging Starbucks open

I also passed Caffè Nero open.

Coronavirus Lincoln Gin from gin to hand sanitiser

March 22, 2020

I am no great fan of gin, I never like the smell or taste.

Hand sanitiser to be effective against coronavirus has to be minimum of 60% alcohol.

Supermarkets have long run out. Though why people are buying when soap and water effective.

Lincoln Gin has switched from producing gin to producing hand santiser.

Not for sale. Available for free for health care workers.