This is what democracy looks like

This is what democracy looks like … a den of baying pigs.

Jeremy Corbyn tries to ask intelligent questions on impact cuts to Tax Credits will have on ordinary working people, he is met by a barrage of noise.

This is the infantile public schoolboy behaviour of Tory MPs.

Last week David Cameron was asked six times the impact on working people of cuts to tax credits. Six times Jeremy Corbyn had to ask, six times David Cameron refused to answer.

Jeremy Corbyn PMQs

Jeremy Corbyn PMQs

Another question, another representation, another real life story.

And still no answer from the PM.

“The reality is you make choices, you have made a choice on working tax credits which hasn’t worked well so far, but you must be aware a serving soldier, a private in the Army with two children and a partner, would lose over £2,000 next April.

“I ask a question from Kieran, a veteran of the first Gulf War who is set to lose out. He writes ‘it is a worry to the family, there is fear and trepidation about whether we are going to be able to get by’.

“He asks ‘is this how the Government treats veterans of the Armed Services?’.”

Oh, this is priceless. David Cameron is caught by television mics complaining about PMQ’s: “It’s taking longer and longer”

Yes – until you answer Jeremy Corbyn’s questions properly, seriously and with some honesty, we’ve got all day (and the next day, and the next)

“David Cameron is caught on microphone in the House of Commons saying that prime minister’s questions is ‘taking longer and longer’. Television mics picked up his comments at the end of the weekly session on Wednesday. This week, the prime minister was questioned on tax credits for the second week running by Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn.”

It’s almost as if Cameron doesn’t like being held to account:

Then they wonder why people have nothing but contempt for politicians.

Then they wonder why people riot in the streets.

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