NeverSeconds book launch

 Martha reading NeverSeconds

Martha reading NeverSeconds

Martha with her book NeverSeconds

Martha with her book NeverSeconds

Thanks for a lovely interview Martha, here you are on our set. -- Louise Minchin, BBC Breakfast

Thanks for a lovely interview Martha, here you are on our set. — Louise Minchin, BBC Breakfast

Martha and David Payne on BBC One Breakfast

Martha and David Payne on BBC One Breakfast

Neverseconds book launch

Neverseconds book launch

Just finished reading the book, it’s fabulous. — Louise Minchin, BBC One Breakfast

NeverSeconds, the story of Martha Payne and her food blog NeverSeconds, as told by Martha and her father David Payne, was published today with a big book launch in Glasgow.

For Martha and David, the day started early on a BBC One Breakfast programme but for some perverse reason, it is not possible to watch on-line.

Note: Many thanks to Martha who posted a link, and a link for an interview with STV.

I was invited to the book launch, it would have been nice to have met Martha and David, but Glasgow rather a long way to go.

I would like to be able to report back on NeverSeconds, but for whatever perverse reason, I cannot find a single Waterstone’s that has NeverSeconds on its shelves let alone on display, or has any plans to order, or even know of NeverSeconds.

Yes, hard to believe, a bookshop chain has never heard of a book that was serialised the last two weeks in the Sunday Times, a book that has had a lot of media attention and interest, only last week Martha and David were on Woman’s Hour and got honourable mention in the Scottish Parliament.

Am I surprised. Sadly not.

Last year Paulo Coelho had a new book Aleph out. A best seller all over Europe. Waterstone’s did not know about Aleph either!

Every copy of NeverSeconds which is sold provides 25 school dinners for children in Malawi through a donation to Mary’s Meals.

The book launch of NeverSeconds in Glasgow took place in Waterstone’s!

A very long day for Martha, TV studios, interviews, book launch, then at the end of the day she learnt she had been awarded The Herald Campaigner of the Year. Truly well deserved!

Martha Payne Herald Campaigner of the Year Award

Martha Payne Herald Campaigner of the Year Award

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One Response to “NeverSeconds book launch”

  1. keithpp Says:

    I tried again today to find NeverSeconds. Hopeless. Waterstone’s looked at me blankly. When checked on the system, one copy ordered, no idea when will be in.

    Why buy from Amazon?


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