Effy testing coffee

After excellent lunch at the Ugly Bread Bakery, a cappuccino and date slice at Kigali, walk down to Luisa’s chocolate at Sneinton Market, then retraced my steps to Effy.

I tried two different coffees.

A very expensive Geisha. Very intense when brewed as an espresso. What would it have been like as a pour over?

Then a cappuccino. Strange, tasted of spices and gingerbread men.

With both coffees I allowed to cool before tasting, my mistake.

Would the coffee I tried as a cappuccino have been better as an espresso, maybe, probably, it made a very weird tasting cappuccino.

Hockley is a new location for Effy. Bigger than before, and very much work in progress.

Located on a side street in Hockley, zero footfall, and yet busy. People who care about coffee, will go out of their way to find good coffee. Not that walking down a side street in Hockley is going out of one’s way.

A lovely Victorian building, used to be owned by John Heathcoat who invented the lace machine that makes bobbinet, which is a type of lace with mini circles.

Only my second visit, now appreciating the work that has gone into the design of the coffee shop.

In the far corner, a little bookcase with a couple of copies of Drift, a couch, tables and chairs, alongside one wall and alongside the window a shelf, stools by the shelves, in the middle two Slayer espresso machines.

The shelves have strange little swirls. These are a homage to John Heathcoat and his lace making machines.

Since my last visit, bags of coffee on sale, have moved from one side to the other. A better location.

Previous location of Effy was tiny, stuffy in the winter. Current location, larger, open and airy, with high ceilings.

Nottingham has upped their coffee game. It is thanks to coffee shops like Effy pushing the boundaries. There is friendly competition to innovate, whilst at the same time cooperating.

Once again a big thank you to Mitch for taking time out to chat to me, whilst at the same time brewing and serving coffee.

On leaving Effy I walked through Nottingham Christmas market (ghastly give it a miss), to look in on The Specialty Coffee Shop.

On my way to the station I passed by the old Effy. It looked like maybe another coffee shop had taken it over. I could not make out what two machines were I tested the temptation to pop in, I would have missed my train.

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