Ready-mix cocktails

Utter garbage in The Guardian on ready-mix cocktails. No, they are not as good as carefully crafted cocktails using premium ingredients.

Ready-mix cocktails are poor quality. Learn how to make or don’t bother, but please no ready-mix cocktails.

A ready mix M&S espresso martini cocktail in a bottle, cheaper than a bar using cheap ingredients, but not as cheap as making oneself using quality ingredients. M&S espresso martini in a ca cheaper, but undrinkable.

Please follow the excellent YouTube series by Dan Fellows (World Champion Coffee in Good Spirits) on cocktail making.

Follow Anders Erickson on YouTube for sips tips and recipes on making cocktails.

Pay a visit to Lincoln Jazz Cafe for excellent cocktails.

Everywhere serves cocktails, even though clueless on cocktails. Or worse, The Old Bakery a self-proclaimed fine dining restaurant serving ready-mix cocktails (described on the menu as ‘premium cocktails’). Why serve cocktails, because bars and restaurants can put cheap crap ingredients into a glass, call it a cocktail, then charge high prices.

Treat yourself to Dick Tales (or ask for it as a Christmas present), the best book you will find on cocktails.

Dick Bradsell created the espresso martini. Dick Tales contains his handwritten notes on the espresso martini, where you can follow his thought processes.

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