Bristol Skipchen surplus food cafe

Bristol Skipchen

Bristol Skipchen

Bristol Skipchen is a wonderful idea.

Intercept food that would otherwise go to waste, turn it into delicious meals, then pay-as-you-want.

You can give nothing, you can pay what you think it is worth or what you can afford, you can volunteer.

If no payment made, it is not classed as a loss, better to eat the food than it going to waste.

Bristol Skipchen is a far better idea than food banks.

An excellent example of the gift economy, collaborative commons.

We need more community ventures that treat people as people, not as zombie consumers.

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3 Responses to “Bristol Skipchen surplus food cafe”

  1. keithpp Says:

    Food bank report reveals rise in hunger for poor families

    ‘Pay benefits faster’ to reduce hunger, MPs urge


  2. keithpp Says:

    Families go hungry as supermarkets send millions of tonnes of food for landfill

    Smart farmers call in the gleaners: Volunteers are salvaging crops that supermarkets refuse to take – and giving them to food charities–and-giving-them-to-food-charities-9908492.html

    Feeding Britain: The statistics that show the scale of our food waste problem


  3. keithpp Says:

    The Real Junk Food Project Brighton

    The Real Junk Food Project Brighton


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